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Annual Fund

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Since joining the St. Paul’s School community in 2017, our appreciation and love for the school, the teachers, and its staff has only grown.  We are now the proud parents of three students, Ellie (2nd grade), Margot (PreK-4) and Henry (LS2) – all of whom are excited each day to attend school and learn.  We know that our kids are being supported, challenged, and empowered each day to become the best versions of themselves by St. Paul’s incredible faculty and staff. 

The exceptional educational experience our children enjoy at St. Paul’s is made possible in part through the philanthropic investments made today as well as through the contributions of families, alumni, faculty, and staff over the school’s more than sixty -year history.  We are proud to serve as Chairs for the 2024-25 Annual Fund and help continue this tradition of giving that will not only impact today’s students, but those who will one day follow in their footsteps.

The Annual Fund is St. Paul’s largest yearly fundraiser. The funds that are raised will directly support every aspect of teaching and learning at St. Paul’s during the current academic year in alignment with the school’s strategic goals. As donors, we have the opportunity to support the yearly needs of the school while also honoring our own philanthropic interests via the Annual Fund.

We hope you will join us in making a gift that is meaningful for your family.  We understand that every family has financial obligations, and it can sometimes feel like a strain to donate, but we encourage you to make a gift this year to show your support.  Every gift is important, and no gift is too small.  

I assure you that your gifts will be well-utilized and greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance for your support!

Go Panthers!

Stephen and Jacky Kepper 

If you would like to make a gift by check, please make payable to St. Paul's Episcopal School & mail to: 
St. Paul's Episcopal School Annual Fund 
6249 Canal Blvd. 
New Orleans, LA 70124

If you prefer to pledge a gift to be made in installments, please download the pledge form and send it to Hillary Alread, Development Director. All pledges are to be fulfilled by June 30.

St. Paul's Giving Levels
Founder’s Society: $5,000+
Legacy Circle: $2,500-$4,999
Head of School’s Circle: $1,000-$2,499
Trustees’ Society: $500-$999
Benefactors’ Circle: $250-$499
Panther’s Club: $10-$249